Game of Scotland Yard
The Scene
Mr X, the most wanted criminal, is on the run in Central London
and Scotland Yard's finest detectives are in a hot pursuit. To
escape capture, Mr. X must move cleverly and secretly (Mr X.'s
whereabouts are revealed only as many as 5 times during the
game); to corner Mr X, the detectives must use ingenuity and
One player(in the game,computer) is Mr X. All other players
are the detectives(which in the game are controlled by a
human player). Whether one is being chased or doing the
chasing, all players travel from location to location by
bus, taxi or underground. To take a certain form of
transportation, you must be on the correct spot and have the
correct fare - no ticket, no ride!
The Challenge
You will be controlling the detectives and so one of the
detectives must capture Mr X. by landing on the same space
Mr X occupies.